Wednesday, March 14, 2012

PlayStation 4 and Xbox 720 Need to Be Powerful, Epic Games Says

Epic believes that the next round of home consoles will have to be "bleeding edge" if the likes of Microsoft, Sony and Nintendo want to stay relevant in the video game market. Speaking to CVG, Epic VP Mark Rein noted that the publisher is "pushing" console makers to use the best possible hardware.

While both Sony and Microsoft are adamant that their current devices, the PS3 and Xbox 360, will still be around for quite a few years, lots of video game developers are ready for new consoles.

Epic Games has chimed in again on this subject, with its Vice President, Mark Rein, saying that the next-gen console gaming experience needs to be very impressive if customers are going to invest their money into the future platforms.

"We really like the big screen, home console experience and we really like iPad gaming. We like all these gaming experiences and we don't think consumers want them to go away,” he told CVG.

"The only way they're going to go away is if they don't stay true to what they are. The console gaming experience is about delivering something that's way out past the bleeding edge and subsidizing it through the software royalty model - just like Apple does with the phones. It's not that much different."

Rein added that early adopters are only going to be interested in future devices if they offer a big enough leap in terms of performance.

"That's the console gaming model, and if you don't do that - if you don't stretch just far enough, you don't just have enough of a difference to make people want to take the leap with you... it all falls down. Now, I don't think that's going to happen - I think the console guys are going to blow us all away."

The Epic Games executive confirmed that the studio, with things like the Samaritan demo or the Unreal Engine 4, was trying to remind developers to make their next devices as powerful as possible in order to amaze gamers.

As of yet, nothing official is known about the PlayStation 4 or Xbox 720.

SOURCE: Joystiq, SoftPedia

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